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Is the car park not public?
No. Our car parks are privately owned, and visitors are permitted to use the car park for legitimate purposes as specified on the car park signage, so long as it doesn’t exceed the time paid for (for paid sites), or sign posted time limits, and is not in breach of our car park terms and conditions (Terms).

Why did I receive a breach notice?
Your use of the car park is bound by our Terms which can be found on the signage at the site. You have received a breach notice because you have breached these Terms.

Are parking breach notices enforceable?
Yes. These notices are enforceable.

Are you allowed to issue me with a breach notice?​
Yes. The car park is private property and is operated by us at the request of the property owner for the purpose of monitoring and enforcing the rules of vehicle access and use. By entering the car park and parking your vehicle, you accepted, and agreed to be bound by, the Terms authorising and applicable to your use of the car park which are communicated via the clear signage at the car park site. We ensure that all our sites and signage is clear and visible. As you have breached your obligations under the Terms, we are entitled to issue you with a breach notice setting out a fee that reflects our actual and reasonable costs in enforcing the Terms.

How did you obtain my name and address?
You may have provided your details to us previously. We can also obtain registered owner details from the NZTA Motor Vehicle Register. We have authorised access to this information for the purpose of enforcing the Terms applicable to the use of our car parks.

I have a valid reason and wish to dispute the breach notice, what can I do?
If we’ve got it wrong, or there’s some other valid reason for you to raise a dispute, we want to hear about it. An appeal must be submitted in writing via the online form on our website within 14 days of the issued date of your breach notice. We will respond to your appeal as quickly as possible, but usually this takes up to 3-5 business days. During the appeal process your breach notice will be placed on hold and there will be no enforcement escalation until the appeal is concluded. Each appeal will be treated professionally and with dignity.

When are the parking terms and conditions monitored?
Each of our car park sites has its own signage communicating the Terms and other parking rules that apply to that site. These apply, are monitored and can be enforced at any time of the day, 365 days of the year.

What will happen if I ignore the Breach Notice?
If the breach notice is ignored and no payment is received, you will receive a further reminder letter which may incorporate additional administration charges. If you continue to ignore the reminder letter, we may refer you to debt recovery which will incur further costs that you will be liable for. We strongly recommend sending us an appeal to open communication with us about your breach notice, rather than ignoring it.

Why can't I park all day, or for any time duration of my choosing?
There are only so many spaces available to use in our car parks, and these need to be shared with others who also have a need to use it. If you and others use the car park all day, or for longer than what is permitted, then other genuine visitors may end up having nowhere to park, causing inconvenience and frustration, which may result in them taking their business elsewhere, causing loss of sales for the shops those visitors intended to visit. Enforcement is used to manage and regulate parking for everyone’s benefit, both visitors and those who they visit.

©2025 by ENFORCEiQ, a division of IMPERIUMiQ


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